

This tag is associated with 4 posts

How to take a break: sleeping

Insomnia has been a loyal companion to me througout my entire life. I have tried to terminate our relationship numerous times, but insomnia simply refuses to take the hint. Insomnia faithfully sticks around through good times and bad times. In a bad night my inability to sleep culminates in feelings of despair and hopelessness, and … Continue reading

Technical test

How to take a break: nature

Going outside, sitting down: I feel the warmth of the sunshine on my skin. Occasionally the cool breeze. The damp grass I’m sitting on. I hear a small animal rustling in the shrubbery. A bee buzzes by. A blackbird scolds noisily. I watch leaves flicking against each other in the wind, ants crawling around purposefully … Continue reading

How to take a break: crying (or self-compassion)

You’re hurting and you feel like crying. So what do you do? You tell yourself you’re being ridiculous. You make yourself feel guilty for feeling sad: After all there are others who are much worse off. You are so privileged, you’re nothing but a spoiled brat. You tell yourself you don’t have the right to … Continue reading